Ashley Bravin is a disabled artist and advocate with multiple chronic illnesses. Born and raised in Southern California, Ashley studied both at Carnegie Mellon University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and Burren College of Art in County Clare, Ireland, graduating with a BFA in painting and drawing. Her work has been exhibited extensively throughout the United States and abroad, and has been featured in shows at the University of Arts London, the Courthouse Gallery in Ireland, and the Museum of Art and History and Torrance Art Museum in California. She has been the recipient of two grants and a fellowship to develop her body of work surrounding violence and sports, and has participated as an artist in residence twice at the Chautauqua Institute of Chautauqua, New York. Ashley's current work focuses on documenting and processing her experiences with her chronic conditions, and gives her viewers the unique opportunity to witness the little known realities of day-to-day disabled life.

Bravin currently lives and works just outside of Nashville, Tennessee with her medical alert service dog, Rico, and her retired service dog, Rosie.



Studio visit with artist Ted Meyer as a part of the Our Heart Speaks interview series, a collection of stories by people with various chronic illnesses and disabilities.

Absolutely honored to have been featured in this incredible TEDx talk by Ted Meyer on illness and art.